Getting higher limit in your Credit Card

There is a specified credit limit available on a credit card for a person. This limit is the amount till which a bank will allow an individual to spend on his/her card. The cardholder will have to ensure that the total amount of use on the card does not exceed this figure. There are also times when one would like to see the available credit limit increased so that higher spends are possible. Here is the manner in which this can be achieved depending upon the situation.

Natural increase
Credit card issuing banks continuously monitor the extent of the use of a credit card along with the payment habit of the cardholder. One of the ways in which a good record is built up is by ensuring that the various dealings with respect to the card are handled properly. A responsible behaviour which means making regular payments along with the regular use of the card that is near the overall limit will be one factor that will be monitored. Once there is an adequate record the bank is likely to offer a higher credit limit to the cardholder. The rise might not be very high as compared to the previous limit but just enough to ensure that there is a higher amount available for the cardholder to spend on his/her card.

Supporting documents
Often there is a situation where the individual has had a significant rise in the salary or there might even be a shift of jobs, which results in a higher pay coming in. This will also require a higher use of the credit card for which a higher limit is required. A way in which a higher limit can then be availed from the issuing bank is by supplying it with the necessary details. This will enable the bank to evaluate the existing position of the cardholder and after seeing a rise in the level of the income the lender is likely to give a higher credit limit on the card. This will help one in using the card better and will also suit the changed conditions that are now applicable.

Change card
There are times when the existing limit on a credit card remains very low. This could be because the card was issued long ago or that a particular bank is assigning a low credit amount for the person. In such a situation, there might not be any significant rise in the limit even though there are efforts to convince the existing bank. Here, there is a better alternative available for you. This would consist of changing the credit card or even the bank issuing the card. This will involve applying for a new credit card with the necessary details to the bank. This will ensure that the new card is then taken on the basis of the latest information, which will also mean that the limit is likely to be higher for this card while the older card with the other bank can be cancelled and given back. Another route is to upgrade the card that is held by you. This will mean moving from a gold card to a platinum card and this is possible when you fulfill the required conditions. Both these steps will also ensure that there is no rise in the number of credit cards that are carried around but at the same time there is an effective use made of the limit and this has been revised upwards.

back to Credit Card Finance Charges

How to Resolve Unfair Credit Card Charges

You know the feeling. You open your monthly credit card statement to find the balance larger than you anticipated due to an unfair credit card charge. Whether the charge stems from the credit card company itself, or from a vendor, there are steps you can take to dispute and (often) reverse the fees. Instead of getting angry, get busy disputing those unfair credit card charges.

§         Save everything. This is an important step and you should follow it faithfully whenever you use your credit card. That means saving all your card receipts, at least until you know the merchant did not tack on additional charges. In addition, save the initial documentation that came with your new credit card by putting it into a folder. As long as that card is active, you must file that information.
  • Catch errors early. As soon as you receive your statement, by email or snail mail, review it carefully. Don’t wait until the last day of the grace period before checking to make sure the charges are accurate.
  • Call your credit card company with the intent of presenting your side of the story but not until you calm down. Credit card customer service agents are only doing a jog they were hired to do. They do not set policy but they may be able to reverse an unfair credit card charge. Chewing them out will not help your case.
  • Compare your credit card charges with your receipts. If a different amount was charged by the merchant, you will probably get a refund quickly as long as you can send a scanned copy of the receipt to the credit card company. The online customer service representative will give you the mailing address or it will appear on your statement.
  • Know what types of unfair charges you may dispute.  If you find unauthorized charges, charges with the wrong date, charges with incorrect amounts, you should be reimbursed for all of these.

Credit cards can cause Swine Flu

Whether you’re worried about catching a seasonal cold or something more drastic like the worldwide panic over the H1N1 flu virus, you might want to rethink how you use your credit cards if you plan to stay healthy. You probably haven’t really thought about it, but the truth is that your credit cards can make you sick!

How Credit Cards Might Make You Sick
Credit cards aren’t special. There’s no deep dark secret behind them when it comes to your health. It’s just common sense. The more people that touch something, the bigger the risk there is of germs being present. Chances are that you aren’t the only person touching your credit cards (not to mention other items involved in your credit card transactions). You can take steps to be more cautious though, cutting down on your risks.

How to Stay Healthy When Using Your Credit Cards

Here are several things you can do to avoid getting sick when using credit cards:
1. Swipe your credit card yourself. — Don’t let other people handle your credit cards unless absolutely necessary. If you can swipe or scan the card yourself, do it.
2. Carry your own pen. — If you’ll have to sign for purchases, carry your own pen. You have no idea how many other people (ill or not) have handled a store pen before you.
3. Avoid directly touching key pads. — If you instead have to enter a PIN, try not to actually touch the key pad with your bear hands. Use the pen you brought, a napkin, or something else. Many people have probably used that touch pad before you during the day, and they could have left germs behind. 
4. Shop online. — If you’re aware of a particular outbreak in your area, you might want to avoid crowded public places like stores as much as possible. You can do that and decrease your risks by doing some of your shopping online (a situation where your credit card actually protects your health).
5. Wash your hands. — If you must handle your credit cards, wash your hands as soon as possible afterwards. That way you’ll at least minimise your risk of transferring any germs from the card to your mouth or nose by way of your hands.

Simple changes in how you use your credit cards can make a big difference in keeping yourself healthy all year long, even when people aren’t worried about a specific medical outbreak. The only thing that should make you “sick” when using credit cards is the thought of paying high fees or interest. Exercise common sense and basic hygiene and you’ll keep yourself safer.

Credit Score Ratings by CIBIL

Credit report contains information about all the loans and credit cards that a customer has and some other details like:

§         Personal identification details like name, address, pan no, passport and driving license.
§         The repayment status of the account
§         Details of all the closed accounts
§         No of enquiries made by member banks
§         Amount overdue

Depending upon the payment track record of all the current as well as closed accounts that a customer has CIBIL gives rating to every individual in forms of score. It ranges between 100-900 and is a 3 digit code which shows the position of the borrower in terms of making the payments, may it be for a card or for a loan and any other facility obtained. CIBIL ratings are given on the basis of score of an individual.

CIBIL Credit Score Range

It further is divided into 3 broad categories; excellent, good, poor and fair. We can also say that CIBIL scoring id divided into three categories:
      »  High Score
      »  Low Score
      »  No or Zero Score
§         When a customer’s account is clean as he has been regular in making all his payments, there is no amount overdue in any of the loan and there has been no bounce or settlement in the closed accounts too, his CIBIL score would be high.
§         If the borrower has been a non performer with amount outstanding any of his account and also has settlement with member banks on his accounts, it means that he is not a good customer and his CIBIL score is going to be low.
§         If you have taken no loan till and there are no matches in your report for a credit facility, your score will be Zero.

*How to lodge Credit Card Complaint


Let us understand what does an excellent, good, poor and fair CIBIL ratings signify:
§         If the score given to you by credit bureau is in between 751-900, it is considered to be very high and your rating is excellent.
§         Anything between 700-750 is high and the rating is good.
§         If it is less than 700 and 500 it is considered to be average in case of 700 and very low for 500 and below. Similarly the CIBIL ratings go on like fair and poor if the score is less than 500.

How to remove Credit Card Defaulter's name from CIBIL Report

Cibil credit card amounts write off is a condition, which happens after continuous 180 days of default of your credit card dues. Banks write offs your credit card account if you do not make the payment, which is due on your card for 6 months.
However, you will still keep on receiving calls from the collection agency but the account is written is a write off account. It indicates the bad history of a borrower and it stays in your credit report for 7 years according to the rules.

*Credit Card Default - Costs 7 year punishment

Here is how you can remove a credit card write off from your cibil report:

  • Well, a write off stays in your credit report for 7 years; but the banks have the power to upgrade any debt three times every seven years and this means that it can actually stay in your credit report for complete 21 years. But there is a way out to this and one can improve his/her cibil report by getting rid of this.
  • The moment you figure that you have a write off account in your credit report, you must immediately contact your lender. Your lender would surely help you if you are showing interest in making the payment and would not treat you badly or as a bad customer. Get the total amount due on you r card calculated with the help of your lender.
  • You may require presenting the last monthly bill statements received and some other details of your credit card. Follow the instructions and give proper details needed. Your bank will now give the exact figure of amount that you owe to the bank.
  • Pay this amount and get a no due certificate or payment receipt from your lender. The process is not over yet. You will now have to call up your bank again and request them to update about the full and final payment to the credit bureau. You bank will now update this to cibil and within a span of 40 days, the write off will get cleared from your cibil report and the account would be shown as a normal closed account.
  • You can contact Cibil directly also, if your bank does not co operate in updating the status to cibil and tell them about your settlement by showing the payment receipt. After some clarifications and enquiries from the lender, the credit bureau will update the same in your report and your report will be clean.

Features of CIBIL Credit Report

The Main Features Of Credit Report Are
  • Personnel Information - Name, current residential address and company’s address in case of a firm.
  • Pan Card Number, Driving License Number, Passport Number and Voters Id Number.
  • Date of Birth and Date of Incorporation of the firm.
  • Information about all the credit facilities availed by the borrower from any of the member institutions. This includes details for all the loans, credit cards etc.
  • Repayment status of all the current accounts as well as closed accounts.
  • Default details if any in any of the account.
  • Amount overdue on a particular account.
  • No of enquiries made by the member banks in past 12 months.
You can see now how the credit history is reflected in the cibil report. It contains all the information that is mentioned in the features of the report.

You can not check your cibil report directly. Credit Bureau does not provide a credit report to any individual and only member institutions can view your report, but here are some ways by which you can have a access to your report.
    1.    If you have applied for a loan or credit card with any of the member banks of cibil, then you can approach them to send you a copy of your credit report. You can also go and collect a copy from the bank on your own.
    2.    You can apply for a credit facility from any of the bank which is a member of cibil. The bank will get your credit reportgenerated to know the recent and current status of your payment record. You can now ask the lender to give a copy of this report to you.
    3.    You can take the 9 digit control number from the bank in which you have submitted your loan application and approach cibil by calling up on the help desk number and ask for the information.

back to CIBIL articles

Credit Card Payment Due Date

According to a senior banking ombudsman official, card customers are “unofficially’’ given “a grace period’’ of about three days after their due date if they choose to make a cheque payment, to allow the amount to get credited into their account. In other words, no late-payment charges are levied. 

In sharp contrast, heads of leading card-issuing banks say their terms and conditions, bill statements and websites clearly mention that cheque payment must be made three to five days (in case of outstation cheques) before the due date so that it comfortably reaches their account by the deadline.

Now, suppose there is a string of bank holidays and weekends between cheque deposit and its clearance. If a cheque does not get cleared for reasons over which a consumer has no control, he/ she would still end up paying penal charges.

A senior Mumbai banker admits that due date-related disputes are common and consumers have been demanding clarity on the issue. K Unnikrishnan, deputy chief executive, Indian Banks’ Association, seconds that there is a need to bring in uniformity in cheque deposit norms with reference to due date.

Till the time banks come up with clear guidelines, customers are advised to pay way ahead of the stated due date. Besides, if they end up paying closer to the payment deadline, they must avoid depositing their cheques in drop boxes.

As mentioned earlier, the Reserve Bank of India rules specify that banks must accept all cheques at counters and provide an acknowledgment receipt to the customer. This would serve as a proof of deposit in case of a dispute, if any.

Alternatively, banks are increasingly introducing “cheque deposit machines, which work like a screener and give you a receipt, which is a replica of your cheque with all the details,’’ says a bank executive. Other than the convenience of not having to queue up at a counter, they provide the relevant proof. Consumers must know that dispute resolution relies on documentary evidence.