CIBIL Operation

How does CIBIL function?

For credit grantors to gain a complete picture of the payment history of a credit applicant, they must be able to gain access to the applicant's complete credit record that may be spread over different institutions. CIBIL collects commercial and consumer credit-related data and collates such data to create and distribute credit reports to Members.

Where does CIBIL get the information from?

CIBIL primarily gets information from its Members only and at a subsequent stage will supplement it with public domain information in order to create a truly comprehensive snapshot of an entity’s financial track record.

What is a Credit Information Report?

A Credit Information Report (CIR) is a factual record of a borrower's credit payment history compiled from information received from different credit grantors. Its purpose is to help credit grantors make informed lending decisions - quickly and objectively.

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